Sisters of the NEW Covenant

The Sisters of the New Covenant
Private Association of the Christian Faithful

We were founded in 1979 in response to the Holy Father's call for the evangelization of the world. It is to this effort that we are given. Join us and live a life of faith, hope and love as together we strive, through our various professions, to bring the living Word of God to Sisters of the New Covennnt the people. Utilizing the unique gifts that belong to each of us, we are able to make a difference in society.

Our Emphasis

As an active communtity of sisters, our focus is the unique person -- to help each one in community, and those we work with in ministry, realize their full potential. We focus our energies on those in need of experiencing the life giving power of the Word of God. We do this in many different ways: through our various professions, training others in how to evangelize -- in how to share the living Word of God with others, evangelistic outreach, retreats, education, and more, not only locally but internationally as well.

Our mission and purpose is the mission of evangelization.

Our community has been brought into existence for the mission of evangelization. We have been called to be women of faith who help others to believe and to pray. The community, therefore, its given over to a two-fold service, one primary and the other secondary.

The primary service the sisters give is simply to be women of faith living genuinely the vows of celibate chastity, obedience, simplicity of lifestyle and compassion, and being truly, deeply, persons of prayer. This basic service of living the faith and, thereby, helping others to believe is a service that can be given in any profession.

The secondary emphasis, very closely related to the first, is the mission of direct evangelization, taking the full Gospel directly to the people in order to bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and incorporate them into the Church, the body of Christ.

Our Goal of our community is twofold:

  1. to foster growth in holiness of life in its members through a deeper commitment to the Gospel;

  2. to bring about the renewal of parish life, the evangelization of families and the society in which the community exits.
